Come Grow With Us

If you’re looking for a place to begin or continue your journey with Jesus and other like-minded followers of his, grow deep friendships and find inspiration to live your best life, this is the place for you. We invite you to join one of our Small Groups today.

We are better together!

Connect to a Group

  • Brian Geer

    Sundays @ 11:30am

    Group for Seniors with scripture reading and table talk.
    Meet us in the Lounge after Sunday service. 

  • Brenda Trimble

    Sundays @ 9:00am

    Talking through Sunday's message
    Crosswalk Campus  

  • Jonathan & Nichole Veach

    Sundays @ 11:30am - 12:45pm

    The Disciple Making Parent: A Comprehensive Guidebook for Raising your Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ

    This book is full of biblical wisdom for parents facing the challenges of raising children and youth to love Jesus. Practical help and suggestions are the main focus around this table each week. 

    This group meets in the Children's Center after church. Lunch and childcare are provided

  • Don & Sherrie Durston

    Sundays @ 4:00pm every other week

    The Epic of Eden Psalms

    An ancient challenge to get serious about prayer and worship with streaming video. 

    Sunnyvale home & Zoom // 94087 zip code (Don)

  • Linda Jackson

    The Twelve Disciples (a 6 week study with workbook). Jesus chose twelve average men to be his closest disciples. For three years, Jesus shared his wisdom with them and gave his life for them. Let's dive deeper into who these men were who changed the world.

    Tuesdays @ 10:30-11:45am in the Lounge // Starts Tuesday, June 4th - email Pastor Linda to sign up

    // Group for Women  

  • Paul Thesing

    Wednesdays @ 6:30-7:30am

    Studying the book of Ephesians
    Crosswalk Lounge // Group for Men  

  • Valerie Red-Horse Mohl

    Jesus the Reason (a Lifeguide series 8 week study). Discover what Jesus did and said. And be encouraged to find the place Jesus has in your life today!

    Wednesdays @ 6:30-7:45pm in the Lounge with study book provided.

    Sign up with Valerie at


  • David Green

    Wednesdays @ 7:30-8:45pm

    Forgotten God by Francis Chan
    A RightNow Media study with videos & workbook

    Crosswalk Campus 

  • Daniel Benniah

    Wednesdays @ 8:00pm

    The book of Philippians

    A group for young adults meeting for social events and bible study

    Sunnyvale in-home and zoom // 94086 zip code area                      

Groups Reaching Community

  • Sunnyvale Christian School & Crosswalk Church
    Margo Dickson


    Thursdays @ 5:15-7:00pm

    Ephesians - Heaven's Riches, The Passion Translation
    The Lounge // Group for Women

    (dinner & childcare available) 

  • Open Gym Basketball

    Fridays @ 6:30pm in the Gym

    A friendly group of co-ed basketball players for Youth & Adults

    email Craig for more information 

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Wherever you are in life, whatever is going on –– you will always have a next step to take in your journey

Get to know us

At Crosswalk you'll find a group of real people learning to follow Jesus together.