Crosswalk Weekly

The Weekly is where you can find news, details on our upcoming events, and important items about life in our community.

Join us Sunday, July 28th for our Annual International Sunday. 

Dress in traditional clothing and bring a dish to share for our international potluck after church!


Youth Group Pool Party

Saturday, August 10th @ 3pm

Our youth are a valuable part of our church. Crosswalk's youth leaders love getting to know our students and hearing about their journey with Jesus.

Junior High and High School are spiritually critical years for students as they begin to make their faith their own. We want to support them during this season.

Our youth program gives students the opportunity to experience Christian community with their peers while also enjoying a time of fun during the busy week.

Serving in the Community

Join the team to serve a meal and visit with those gathering for spiritual encouragement and resources. Email Andrew to sign up or to ask questions.